Protective Eqipment

For a reasonable socializing in this new normal

Hands-Free Dispensers

Contactless Temperature Reading - $5.00

Non-contact infrared thermometers have been comprehensively utilized as the most predominant apparatus for checking individuals in crowded spots to find individuals who have raised temperatures. These enable you to quantify temperature rapidly, at a good distance, and without contacting the person you’re estimating.

Face Protection

USAPPE with Green Health Choice

Making the workplace safe by preventing the lungs from breathing in contaminated air includes the provision of reliable personal protective equipment (PPE). USAPPE aims to extend its reach globally to provide the safety equipment needed.

Stainless Steel Trash Can with Wipe Dispenser

Stainless steel has become very popular because of its durability and resistance to rust. The downside is that cleaning them can be quite time consuming. If you don’t want to spend hours scrubbing your trash can, then you might consider buying a new one.


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If one of our products is out of stock, you can always contact us to give you an update of the next batch arriving. Or for bulk orders, get in touch with us through message for special prices.

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